Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23


Wellbeing Updates

Latest Wellbeing Article


The 5 Steps to Wellbeing


Positive wellbeing and mental health continue to be a high priority here at Baden-Powell and although there have not been any specific wellbeing events this half term, we are continually encouraging children to think about the 5 steps to wellbeing through all the different things we do in school.

The Baden-Powell Market was just one of these opportunities. Not only were thousands of pounds raised ready to GIVE to charity but children had to CONNECT with others to both co-ordinate their stalls and sell their wares. They certainly kept ACTIVE whilst preparing for the main event as well as on the day itself and for some, LEARNING SOMETHING NEW also came into the equation. Finally, TAKING NOTICE of what others had created and appreciating all the hard work that had gone into the production of the merchandise was going on all around – I don’t think I have ever seen the children so engaged and determined in their quest to raise money for charity. A HUGE thank you to Mr Bush and all those involved in organising and running the event.


Stormbreak Shine



Stormbreak Shine is an additional resource which complements the Stormbreak sessions we run in school. It is a package which is designed to be done at home with your child to support them in improving their wellbeing and mental health; it has various strands for you to choose from (eg anxiety). If this would be of interest to you, please contact the school office who will put you in touch with Mr Bernard, our Stormbreak Champion.



Please remember, if you are concerned about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please contact your class teacher in the first instance.


Over the Holidays


Please don’t forget to look at the Happiness Calendar for April which may give you some lovely wellbeing activity ideas for over the holidays – these can be done on the allocated day or at random.

For this and lots of other wellbeing information, please visit our website

And finally ….


At Baden-Powell, we always dedicate the first hour back after any holiday to wellbeing so that the children can settle back into their classes before starting the new half term: both staff and pupils find this really beneficial. This time round, teachers will be teaching their classes a relaxation technique which can be done anywhere by anyone to help relieve stress and anxiety – a useful tool for children and adults alike!!


Wishing you all a very happy Easter and a fun time with your friends and families.


Heidi Inns

Senior Mental  Health Lead
