Our Curriculum
The aim of our curriculum at Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School is to provide an engaging and inclusive environment in which every pupil can learn new knowledge and skills, build their cultural capital and broaden their vocabulary and enhance their personal development. It offers all our children every opportunity to embrace our school vision, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart” through our values of Respect, Friendship, Compassion, Aspiration and Resilience.
Our curriculum has been developed using both objectives set out in the National Curriculum (2014) ensuring that is progressive, sequential and sufficiently challenging for all children. We have designed an ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum which has clearly identifiable cumulative learning and vocabulary instruction and is built on the principles of effective practice. Each curriculum area has a Long-Term Progression Map which outlines the key knowledge, key skills and key vocabulary to be covered in each unit of work. These have been carefully chosen to be relevant to both past and future units within the same curriculum subject and, where appropriate, useful to other subjects too. In this way, we can encourage children to make connections in their learning wherever possible. In addition, there are three substantive concepts which form the foundation on which all the aforementioned knowledge, skills and vocabulary can be built and which form a thread to hold each subject together as a whole. Once again, this enables children to make links, creating more meaningful and relatable learning opportunities to support them in understanding the world in which they live.
Teachers present learning in a variety of ways to excite and enthuse learners, so that they know more and remember more. We recognise that a truly inclusive practice starts with considering the needs of the most vulnerable learners through quality first teaching. Our in depth knowledge of our children and their needs means that our curriculum is fully inclusive and accessible to all. We use this knowledge to carefully adapt planning, teaching and resourcing to meet the needs of our children with SEND and low prior attainment. The curriculum aims to provide children with a wide range of learning experiences to support them in their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
Our curriculum, alongside our extra-curricular program, offers a wide range of opportunities to engage with the various different aspects of Personal Development so educating the whole child. Our aim is not only to enthuse and inspire our children for future learning experiences but also prepare and equip them for their place in the wider world as responsible, respectful and compassionate citizens.