Aspiration Through Sports
Bronze Ambassadors
One of our main jobs as bronze ambassadors is to help children in Year three and four enjoy their playtimes by being more active. We do this by trying our best to think of really fun and engaging sporting activities which we teach at playtimes. We are always trying our best when teaching these activities by using short and clear instructions for the younger children to understand and by giving them tips and help when they need a little bit of support.
Sports Leadership
Along with the Bronze Ambassadors, our role in school is to work with Mr Paterson to manage and improve PE, sport and physical activity. Some of the jobs Sports Leaders do are: referee matches in lots of different sports fixtures or competitions; set up resources for fixtures and competitions; and check PE storage spaces are tidy. We always aspire to do these important jobs the best we can by turning up early and never late and making sure we are spending lots of time to follow instructions given, like setting up a coned area, to the highest standard.
Sporting Competitions & Tournaments
We’ve had lots of chances to represent our house or whole school in inter or intra sporting fixtures, tournaments and festivals this year. We always want to try our best when doing this and not let any of our teammates down. In team games, we work really hard to win the ball back when our team loses it. We try and show skills and bravery to trick or beat the opposition. In individual sports, such as cross country, we run as fast and as hard as we can to win the race so when we cross the finish line we feel like we couldn’t have ran any faster!
Having high aspirations in our writing!
Mrs Rusling says…
I always look forward to hosting my half termly ‘cream tea’ event. This is to celebrate the efforts of children who have worked incredibly hard to improve their writing and make progress in this area. We always have a great time and enjoy consuming lots of delicious cakes!
Aspirations in our Reading!
Being aspirational with our reading is at the heart of our BPSP Reading Vision to
‘forge in our children both the ability to read well and the desire to be well-read.’
Sammy and Rohan, Year Six, say…
“At Baden-Powell, reading is very important and one thing we have to promote it is the Golden Ticket Reading Challenge! Each week, children log their reading and we progress around the board. When we reach the end, we win a golden ticket and get a chance to win a book from Mrs Rusling’s bookshelf!”
Aspirational House Captains!
Here at BPSP, we have eight House Captains - two representatives for each house: Poole, Studland, Brownsea and Purbeck. In September in Year 6, everyone is welcome to apply for the role. You have to prepare a presentation to do in front of other children and adults (in your house) from all year groups. It's a bit nerve wracking but a robust and fair way select the right people for the job! Your house can then vote for the person that they would most like to be their House Captain.
Being a House Captain has given each of us a lovely sense of responsibility, we love doing our jobs (especially helping at parent's evening) and wearing our smart badges with pride. We are quite an organized bunch of Year 6's and we enjoy sharing our ideas with Mr Thomson.