Good to Know
Good to Know
Breaktime snacks
Children may bring a piece of fresh fruit to eat at break-times. This not only encourages healthy eating but reduces the incidence of litter on the school site. Pupils may not bring nuts (including sandwiches containing peanut butter) into school. This is to support the health and safety of others likely to suffer a severe allergic reaction.
Football at break times
Children can play football in the cage (or on the field, weather permitting) according to a rota. They should bring in a clearly named football, no larger than size 3.
Charitable work
The school is proud to contribute significantly to a whole range of charitable events and organisations. From time to time, through the school council, children suggest worthwhile causes and the school is pleased to enable pupils to take part in fundraising for charities, especially where these have a particular meaning for the child concerned. The school Council is actively involved in determining our fundraising.