Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23


Picture Perfect

Baden Powell School - New Roofing Drone Footage

When the roof was replaced, in 2024, the company made a short video for us.

Year 4 have made their own Roman shield during our History topic. We discovered how much the Roman soldiers must have practised to be so regimented.

The Concert Hall at the Lighthouse is looking rather empty - who is ready to fill the auditorium? We've been rehearsing this morning and we're ready to 'wow' you tonight!

The lovely students from Bournemouth & Poole College came to bring Shakespeare to life, as it should be, and perform Twelfth Night for Year 4! We thoroughly enjoyed it and laughed a lot. Thank you!

We're so lucky that the FRIENDS of BPSP organised a panto for us this year. We had fun 'booing' and cheering! Can you guess which one it is?

Year 4 had some visitors, as we're learning about vertebrates, invertebrates and their habitats.

We're celebrating National Friendship Day by dressing up in friendship groups. 4DP think that 'Teamwork Makes The Dream Work'!

Year 4 Sports Day was fabulous. So much fun and full of children demonstrating our school values. Well done, all. Thank you to Mr Paterson and his team for organising such a positive event.

Thank you to Active Dorset and Lytchett School for hosting a positive and inspiring ‘This Girl Can’ event for Y5 girls! Go Girls!

This sundial really does work as we checked it during the day...

We're really enjoying Environmental Day. One activity was making devices to record the weather and another was to do a minibeast survey.

We were lucky enough to receive a visit from an AW109 Agusta Westland helicopter piloted by Rob Lakey. He was joined by Test Flight Engineer Deborah Payne who was actually a former member of our school! After landing on the school field , the crew hosted tours for children where the grown ups were bombarded with fantastic questions - the children even learnt to fly their own mini helicopters. Finally, the aircraft took off at lunchtime - what an exciting morning for everyone!

AW109 Agusta Westland helicopter piloted by Rob Lakey

A superb start to our Year 4 residential. The sun is shining and the Viking boats are floating.

We were visited by Wonderstruck!

We were visited by The Mayor, Councillor Jo Clements accompanied by The Sherriff of Poole, Pete Miles & a Macebearer.

The Great Baden Market: Raising Money for our Supported Charities

Another day, another performance that we're lucky to watch. This time from the Thokozile Collective performing a song inspired by Nelson Mandela's home town.

Still image for this video

At BPSP, we're so lucky that M&M theatrical productions visited us to perform Beauty and the Beast panto.

We had a wonderful time meeting our visitors from Zoolab! The children got up close and personal with Gary the Giant African Land Snail, Felipe the Madagascan Hissing Cockroach, Buttercup the Tarantula, Dolly the Royal Python and Booboo the Desert Rat!

We were so lucky to have the students of Bournemouth and Poole College perform Twelfth Night and Romeo & Juliet to us. Can you guess which play these photos are from?

The Life Education bus has been visiting BPSP, teaching us all about how to keep ourselves healthy.

During PE, we're building resilience through various activities. Here we had fun making up our own game using a hoop and a bean bag.

In Year 4, we are studying the Roman period and have been learning about Roman soldiers. We found that their uniform was heavy and uncomfortable.

We've been celebrating Japanese Culture Week at BPSP by doing origami. We made Samurai hats.

NED came in to help us understand growth mindset a bit better. We learnt to - Never give up. - Encourage others. - Do your best. Keep up the superb work BPSPers!

Y4 Iron Man

Meet the newest member of the Year 4 Team: Iron Man.
He is here to help with writing instructions and reading.

During our day on forces, we made a rocket and launched it!

Still image for this video

Wonderstruck has visited Year 5 today to add some 'wonder' to our forces topic. We've been very lucky to see this and thoroughly enjoyed it!

Coronation of King Charles III

We celebrated Easter at St Peter's Church

The whole school had lots of fun during Mr B's Marathon Madness fundraising day. An event filled with positivity, support to raise others up, determination and generally lots of yellow and smiles!

Year 5 have enjoyed Robotics Club! Investigating what Ozobots can do.

Year 5 Victorian Day. We found out what school was like for Victorian children.

Inter House Cross Country Winter Competition

Year 5 are making cam toys

Lighthouse Theatre. Christmas Concert

M&M Theatrical Productions performed Aladdin for us. Oh no they didn't! Oh Yes they did!

Year 6 experienced what it was like to be an evacuee at Nothe Fort
