Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) at Baden Powell & St Peter’s Junior School
At Baden Powell & St Peter’s Junior School class teachers and senior leadership team monitor closely the progress of all children within the school so when a child is not making the expected progress in a particular area of learning, we can identify and implement the additional support that is required. Some children might only need a short-term boost to their confidence and support to their learning, others may have a need or a disability which affects their ability to learn in the longer term. Our Inclusion Team, which includes (list here) works holistically with children, families, school staff and outside agencies in a supportive environment to enable them to reach their full potential during their time with us.
When children need longer term support, identified by using the graduated response in line with the SEND Code of Practice (2014), they may be put onto the SEND register. The four areas of need according to the code of practice are:
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Mental and Emotional Health
- Communication and Interaction
- Sensory and/or Physical Needs
If we feel a child is not making their age expected progress, after a period of monitoring, assessment and observation, their teacher will arrange a time to discuss their concerns with you, their parent/carer. Our SEND team may arrange for further assessments and could request further evidence from school and home. This will enable us to put in the best support to meet your child’s learning needs. If you have any concerns about your child, your first point of contact would be your child’s teacher.
When a child is on the SEND register
At Baden Powell & St Peter’s Junior School, parents and carers are viewed as partners in their children’s education. Pupil progress meetings will be held each term when achievable targets for progress will be set and reviewed during each meeting with the class teacher and parents/carers. Copies of these targets are then sent home. Lessons will be matched to the children’s individual needs and they will be provided with activities that are appropriate to their level.
Educational Health and Care Plans
When a child has an EHCP this will be reviewed and discussed with the child’s parent/carer and teacher. The child’s education will be planned by the class teacher and will be differentiated accordingly to suit the child’s individual needs. The child will receive the provision outlined in their plan and progress will be monitored on a regular basis culminating in the 'Annual Review.'
Input from Outside Professionals
Should a child need more expert support from community therapist or paediatricians then permission will be sought from yourselves and a referral will be made by the school to the most appropriate outside agency. After assessment, support is then usually provided to the school and to parents/carers.
If you require an appointment with Mrs Goodlad, our SENCO please contact the school office:
All SEND policies, including our information report, can be found in the 'Policies' section of our website:
BCP local offer
The BCP Council SEND Local Offer provides information on services and activities for children and young people living in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
Parent Champion for SEND – Monthly support and advice for families
As a school we want to play a role in improving SEND services for our children and young people. We now have an opportunity to provide a space here in school for families of children with SEND through a new Parent Champion project delivered and funded by SENDiass4BCP and Parent Carers Together.
Each month a dedicated Parent Champion will hold one session to support families in navigating appropriate local and National services and networks to meet the needs of their children. These meetings can be booked in advance through the email address given below:
If you are experiencing difficulties and are unsure where to access the support and resources you need please do get in touch and confirm your interest in writing. These sessions are held in complete confidence with the Parent Champion. Their role is to listen and to share knowledge of the services and the networks in your local community that may be of help to you.
This is a valuable resource we are so pleased to be part of. Together we can improve services and support for families across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.