Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23


Year 3

As a school, we follow the primary National Curriculum for Key Stage 2.


Below, is a break down of the topics we cover in Year 3.

At BPSP, our ambitious, vibrant and inclusive curriculum has been developed with the intention of providing all our learners with key knowledge and skills for long-term learning and with the cultural capital to become responsible and valuable citizens in our modern society.


From Year 3 through to Year 6, we study a wide variety of subjects, making cross-curricular links where relevant (see curriculum overviews on the school website for more detail) In addition, we regularly recap and revisit previous knowledge so it can be recalled and applied to different contexts in order to deepen the learning experience for all children.


If you would like any further information regarding our curriculum, please contact the school office at














Autumn 1

Rock & Roll

Ancient Civilisations
Ancient Egypt


Bonjour & Les Numéros

The Colour Wheel


African drumming

Online Safety



Passing & Space


Sending & Receiving

Christianity Creation

Being My Best

Autumn 2

Light Up The World



Je m'appelle & J'habite


Structures & Mechanisms

Singing & Vocal Work

Word: saving documents, font, inserting pictures

Christianity Incarnation

Me & My Relationships

Spring 1

Animals & The World



Forces & Magnets

La Salle de Classe

Water-based Tile Prints


Steel Pans

Coding: using 'repeat'


Net & Wall


Valuing Difference

Spring 2

Forces & Motion

British History


Animals, including humans
The Skeletal System

Les Couleurs


Egg Cosies

Striking & Fielding Health & Wellbeing Athletics

Keeping Myself Safe

Summer 1

Ancient Civilisations
Ancient Greece

Local Study


Les Anniversaires

Clay Tiles





Compassionate Compeitition


Rights & Respect

Summer 2


Je Me Présente


Cooking & Nutrition

Music Notation through recorders

Word: backspace, delete, font, spelling

Christianity People Of God

Growing & Changing

Summer 2


English - We practise writing skills daily and take our ideas from rich and varied texts including poetry and non-fiction. We continue to learn to write for different audiences and for different purpose. We aim to include as much ‘writing choice’ as possible. We are going to be writing our own fable this half term based on The Hare and the Tortoise.



Maths – Please see our school website for more detail.


Computing We continue to learn how to keep safe whilst in line by looking at child-friendly search engines. We are going to learn how to access and use Word efficiently. Internet safety underpins all that we do.


RE- We explore the Christian story of Creation in the Old Testament, learn about Adam and Eve and investigate the Big Frieze- a pictorial representation of the Bible. All of our RE lessons allow children the opportunity to think, to reflect, to ask and answer questions in a tolerant and respectful manner.


Reading—Through our quality reading lessons, we enjoy a wide variety of text types and always read aloud together, working on our fluency. Every lesson allows children the opportunity to show a clear understanding of the text they have read. We are going to enjoy some well-known fables and exciting poetry.


 P.E- All children will take part in lively, engaging, weekly PE lessons to develop their skills further in orienteering and understanding how to be a ‘Compassionate Competitor’. 

All lessons encourage children to practise and develop specific and transferable physical skills whilst learning that exercise is beneficial to our health and well-being.


French We will spend this half term preparing a presentation about ourselves using all the  French we have learnt so far in Year 3. In addition, we will be reading some French stories and learning about countries around the world where French is spoken.


 P.S.H.E Our weekly PSHE lessons this half term help us to learn how to discuss and understand how we change and grow. We also teach Sex and Relationship lessons during the Summer Term – more information regarding these lessons will follow shortly.


MusicWe are looking at how music is structured with a view to composing some music ourselves.


Science: We continue learning about plants and plant life in our weekly Science lessons. We learn that we need key pollinators, the parts of a flowering plant and what exactly plants need to thrive.


Design and Technology- We are going to make a savoury salad to learn basic food hygiene, chopping and cutting skills as well as some good food choices. We provide the food for all children and the children can eat their lovely salad on the day that they make it. More information will follow!


GeographyWe are going to learn about the our Local Area including Poole , Poole Quay and Brownsea Island.
