The Department for Education has issued homework guidelines for use by all maintained schools. The school holds a copy of these guidelines and parents are welcome to see them.
At Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Junior School, we believe that homework:
- Develops the partnership between home and school; parents, pupils and teachers
- Encourages the children to take responsibility for their own learning
- Assists children in developing independent learning skills
- Prepares children for the extensive homework requirements demanded by secondary schools.
Homework is part of the planned curriculum programme for the children, and we appreciate
the support and interest of parents. Two nights are allowed to complete homework tasks, wherever possible, to allow for clarification and support from the teachers should this be helpful (Year 3 have a full week in which to complete homework tasks).
In every year group, all children are expected to read (including the updating of the reading record) and practise their multiplication tables (this can include using the ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ online programme) on a daily basis.
For Year 3 and 4, we would expect children to read a minimum of 60 minutes, increasing to 100 minutes for Year 5 and 6 across the course of the week.
In addition, we would encourage parents to read alongside their children for at least one session a week, giving them the opportunity to discuss the text they are reading. Less confident readers may require more parental support at home.