Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23



Resilience with Our Handwriting!

Mrs North says…

The children at BPSP all strive to produce neat and legible handwriting in a joined handwriting as per the National Curriculum. This requires resilience as it isn’t an easy task. In our school the children are motivated through the recognition of their handwriting and the receiving of bronze, silver and gold certificates in each year group.

Here are some excellent handwriting examples from Year 4!




Developing Resilience in Maths!

Time Tables Rockstars

At BPSP, every child has access to an engaging online game called Times Tables Rock Stars. Teachers across the school set tables for the children to practise at home and in school to help their recall.

Our students show Resilience when learning a foreign table that this new to them. This ranges from the 8s in Year Three, all the way to our whizzy Year Sixes who can even be set tables above 12. Although learning a new table can be challenging, our children know that learning is a process and sometimes they might be stuck in a learning pit. By showing resilience and not giving up, our children can use strategies to move on from this and become successful.




Times Tables Challenge – Year Four

As well as Times Tables Rockstars, children in Year Four at Baden-Powell & St. Peter's can demonstrate their tables to their teachers by completing their Times Tables Post Card. They have 45 seconds to get 12 questions correct on a table of their choice. When they achieve this, they are rewarded with the corresponding sticker.

This time-based, challenging activity can sometimes result in our students trying multiple times before they earn their sticker. This is just another example of how our children demonstrate Resilience on a daily basis.

Are you up for the challenge? 
