Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23



The aim of our Computing curriculum at Baden-Powell & St. Peter's is to provide an engaging and inclusive environment in which our children can gain the confidence and skills to access and excel in Secondary School and into the wider world with increasing independence; we teach them Digital Literacy, Coding and Online Safety; we provide opportunities for children to apply both their knowledge and skills across different contexts; and we help them to see the importance of our school values of Respect, Friendship, Compassion, Aspiration and Resilience within the world of Computing.


It is our priority to keep children safe so our Computing curriculum equips the children with essential skills to react responsibly and keep themselves mentally healthy in digital and online environments.  We start every school year with this topic which is revisited across the academic year.


The knowledge and skills that we have chosen to include in our Computing curriculum derive directly from the objectives set out in the National Curriculum (2014) and are in line with CLP guidance for Computing.


The sequence of our Computing curriculum is cyclical which allows us to introduce, revise and build upon existing knowledge and skills throughout an academic year and into the next.


Lastly, we aim to highlight three substantive concepts which we consider to be integral to the subject of Computing – Safety, Presenting To An Audience and Digital Literacy.  We weave these ideas throughout our topics to further increase the relevance and real-world application of the learning the children encounter.

Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1 & 2Summer 1Summer 2
Year 3
Online SafetyWord Processing
Microsoft Word
CodingWord Processing
Dance Mat Typing
Word Processing
Microsoft Word 

Substantive concepts:


Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Key people:
Parents, teachers, trusted adults
Year 4
Online SafetyWord Processing
Microsoft Word
CodingOnline Safety & Database
Word Processing
Microsoft Word 

Substantive concepts:



Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Key people:
Parents, teachers, trusted adults
Year 5
Online SafetyWord Processing
Microsoft Excel
CodingWord Processing
Microsoft PowerPoint
Word Processing
Microsoft PowerPoint

Substantive concepts:



Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Key people:
Parents, teachers, trusted adults
Year 6
Online SafetyWord Processing
CodingWord Processing
Microsoft Excel
Word Processing
Microsoft Publisher

Substantive concepts:



Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Substantive concepts:


Presenting to an Audience

Digital Literacy

Key people:
Parents, teachers, trusted adults