Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23



Past Events

Young Voices Concert

O2 Arena, London – Wednesday 31 January 2024

We are excited that our Year 6 members of Vocability, will be taking part in the Young Voices concert at the O2 arena. This is an incredible opportunity to be part of a massed choir of singers from all over the UK. We will also be joined by 9 other schools from across BCP.


Please find below the link to access all of the exciting songs and dance moves they will need to learn for the Young Voices concert in January 2024.


As we will be predominantly working towards our Christmas concerts in Vocability during the next couple of months, the more the children can listen to these songs, the easier it will be to remember them.
