Year 4
As a school, we follow the primary National Curriculum for Key Stage 2.
Below, is a break down of the topics we cover in Year 4.
At BPSP, our ambitious, vibrant and inclusive curriculum has been developed with the intention of providing all our learners with key knowledge and skills for long-term learning and with the cultural capital to become responsible and valuable citizens in our modern society.
From Year 3 through to Year 6, we study a wide variety of subjects, making cross-curricular links where relevant (see curriculum overviews on the school website for more detail) In addition, we regularly recap and revisit previous knowledge so it can be recalled and applied to different contexts in order to deepen the learning experience for all children.
If you would like any further information regarding our curriculum, please contact the school office at
History | Geography | Science | French | Art | DT | Music | Computing | PE 1 | PE 2 | RE | PSHE | |
Autumn 1 Settle Down | British History | Living Things & Their Habitats | Les Animaux | Drawing | Ukulele | Online Safety | Resilience Dribbling | Dance | Sikhism | Being My Best | ||
Autumn 2 Settle Down | Locational Knowledge | Living Things & Their Habitats | La Maison | Structures & Mechanisms | Singing & Vocal Work | Word: using the mouse & WordArt | Christianity | Me & My Relationships | ||||
Spring 1 Body Combat | British History | Animals, including Humans | Le Corps | Sculpture | Steel Pans | Coding: using 'when' | Gymnastics Net & Wall | Dance Swim Passing & Space | Food In Religion | Valuing Difference | ||
Spring 2 What A State | Europe | States Of Matter | Les fruits et les legumes | Cooking | Athletics & Leadership | Christianity | Keeping Myself Safe | |||||
Summer 1 | British History | Electricity | La Musique | Sewing | Introduction to the orchestra | Flexitree: database & Word: bullet points & orientation | OAA Striking & Fielding | Athletics & Leadership | Christianity | Rights & Respect | ||
Summer 2 | Europe | Sound | Je Me Présente | Painting | Composing | Word: page border | Signs & Symbols in Religion | Growing & Changing |
Spring 1
English— We will be writing an instruction text based on ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. This will be followed by some setting description work using ‘The Green Ship’ as a stimulus. We will also use this opportunity to practise lots of SPAG skills.
Maths – Please see separate overview for more detail.
Computing—We will be investigating how to code using simple algorithms. In addition, there will be activities linked with Safer Internet Day..
RE—We will be learning about the important role and symbolism of food across a variety of religions.
Reading—This half term, we read ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ and a range of non-fiction texts to practise a variety of reading skills and enhance our history work about the Anglo Saxons.
P.E- This term, we are developing our spatial awareness and passing skills whilst thinking about communication. We are also learning about alternative physical education activities. In our second PE lesson of the week, we will be keeping fit using different genres of dance and gymnastics. Our swimming lessons also continue with the next two classes attending these.
French—We will be learning the names of the body parts and revising the use of colours.
P.S.H.E—We will be investigating the ‘Valuing Difference’ unit of work, reflecting and discussing the things that make us the same as each other and what makes us different from others in our lives and our community. We're also thinking about kindness and how it can help everyone.
Music—This term, we build on our Steel pan drumming skills and learn to fuse two different styles of music together.
Science— We will be learning about the digestive system and our teeth, as well as the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Art— We will be creating our very own clay monster sculptures.
History—We will be learning about life for the Anglo Saxons and subsequent events in England.