Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23



Key aspects of this policy are detailed below.


Late arrivals


Children who arrive late for any reason (medical or otherwise), should report to the school office in the first instance to ensure registration before going to the classroom.



Parents should inform the school every day of absence by phone or e-mail, before 9.00am. An answerphone service enables this information to be shared easily with the office staff. If it is clear from the initial communication on day one that the absence will extend for a given period (for example, a child who has an infectious illness), it is not necessary for the school to be notified every day during the absence period but parents/carers must contact the school if the absence period becomes protracted.


Medical Appointments

Routine check-ups should be arranged for times outside school hours. For other, more urgent appointments, parents are asked to send a note in advance. On returning to school, children should report to the School Office in order that they may be entered into the class


Holidays and other requested absences

We encourage full attendance. In line with Department for Education legislation, leave of absence may be granted for exceptional circumstances only; generally, a family holiday will not meet the definition of ‘exceptional circumstance’. The decision as to whether any request is considered as ‘exceptional circumstances’ rests solely with the Headteacher.
