School uniform is an important part of school life, making a strong contribution to our community ethos.
Baden-Powell & St Peter’s CE Junior School
Uniform Information
At Baden-Powell & St Peter’s Junior School, we encourage all pupils to take pride in their school uniform, showing our value of Respect for the school and themselves. This includes ensuring that all shirts are tucked in with all buttons done up; all ties (when worn in Winter) are worn up to the collar; all hair, shoulder-length or longer, is tied back; no white socks are worn over tights; and that no jumpers or cardigans are tied around the waist when inside the school building or walking to and from school.
In addition, for health and safety reasons, we ask that only plain stud earrings are worn and that these are either removed or taped over for PE lessons (please provide your child with their own micropore tape) and that no other jewellery is worn. We request that smart watches are left at home as they can be both a distraction and potential security / safeguarding concern; only basic 'fit bit' watches or analogue/digital watches should be worn; all watches should always be left in a safe place during PE lessons. Finally, no make-up, including nail varnish, is to be worn to school.
Finally, our school fleece is primarily for wear during PE lessons. If it is unusually cold, it can be worn as an additional layer to the school jumper or cardigan - not instead of.
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P White shirt (not polo shirt) P School tie P Charcoal grey tailored trousers or shorts P Charcoal grey skirt or pinafore P School V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with BPSP crest P Plain grey, black or white socks P Plain opaque red, white, grey or black tights P Sensible black shoes P Warm & waterproof coat/jacket
P White polo shirt with BPSP crest P Charcoal grey tailored trousers or shorts P Charcoal grey skirt or pinafore P Red gingham dress P School V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with BPSP crest P Plain grey or white socks P Sensible black shoes P Warm & waterproof coat/jacket
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P T-shirt in ‘House’ colour with BPSP crest P Black shorts (between mid-thigh and knee length & without branded logos) or black jogging bottoms P Red school fleece with BPSP crest P Trainers P Earrings removed or taped
Please send your child to school in PE kit on the days when they have PE lessons.
Second Hand Uniform
We have a stock of good quality second hand uniform for sale. Please call into the school office and a member of our office team will help you.
Uniform Suppliers