School Closure Procedures
Procedures for School Closure
Very occasionally, we might be forced to close the school for one of the following reasons:
- Extreme weather conditions resulting in a significant number of staff unable to travel safely to school.
- The school building and/or surrounding areas are inaccessible.
- The school’s heating, electricity and/or water has failed.
In such circumstances, parents will be informed as soon as possible by text message. This information will also be shared via the following platforms:
- School website
- School Facebook page
- BCP Council
- Heart Radio
Learning for Children
Remote learning will be made available for the children to complete at home should they be able to undertake school-based activities remotely. The activities set for the children could include:
- Times Table Rock Stars, Numbots or Hit the Button (Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 6-11 year olds (
- My Maths- assignments to be set by the teachers
- High Frequency Words/ Year Group spelling lists/ Focus Five words practice (these can be found in diaries)
- Reading – Library book or any home books
- Book review- on one of the above books they have read
- BPSP 100 Reads – 100 Reads | Baden-Powell and St Peter's Church of England Junior School (
- Discovery curriculum research—Please see link to Curriculum overviews which will provide the current learning being undertaken in year groups. Curriculum - Overviews | Baden-Powell and St Peter's Church of England Junior School (
- ‘In the Frame’ – Children can choose an artist of their choice and recreate some of their work.
In addition, the following year group specific take you to videos of lessons being taught in many subjects across the curriculum this term. Children can choose which they would like to learn more about.
- Children are welcome to print off or bring in any work that they have completed for their teacher on return to school.