Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23



Friendship through Clubs and Games


Board Games, Broad Minds

Mrs Moore says…

Board Games, Broad Minds is a new club that aims to expose children to a variety of paper, board and card games to build their strategic and problem solving skills. The club is open to children from Years 3 and 4 and has given children the opportunity to try new things in a friendly and welcoming environment. Many children had never experienced certain games before and relished the chance to learn and then share their skills with others.



BPSP’s Anti-bullying Ambassadors

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors at BPSP are here to prevent bullying and make sure children feel safe and respected when in school. This encourages our school value of Friendship.

As Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, we take our responsibilities seriously and stand up for what’s right. We are the eyes and ears on the playground in order to stop people being unkind to one another. We are in charge of the Kindness Boxes in our year groups and love to spread positivity and compliments.

Also, we are a friendly person to talk to when feeling sad.


BPSP’s Peer Mediators

Our Peer Mediator Lead, Mrs Dawes says…

Since 2015, at Baden Powell and St. Peter’s we have operated a system of Peer Mediation to support friendship at our school. Pupils from our current Year 6, act as Peer Mediators on the playground. These children work in pairs, being available to any pupils, who have a conflict and want help.



Our Peer Mediators, Ava and Tilly reflect…


“Peer Mediating is an important role in our school that shows all of the school values, particularly, friendship. We help children to get along better by solving problems between students who disagree with each other or are angry and upset. We don’t sort out the problem ourselves - we help pupils to solve the problem so they understand what the other person is thinking or feeling. What we do isn’t just a job but we see it as an opportunity to make people happier during the school day. As Peer Mediators, we also successfully demonstrate the school values like respect and compassion to the younger children, who look up to us as role models.”
