Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23


Pupil Assessments and Reports

Parent-Teacher Consultations

Consultation evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring terms. Appointments can be made using Scopay our online school administration software. Parents are encouraged to use the consultation evenings as opportunities to discuss their child’s progress.


The annual written progress report is sent to parents towards the end of the Spring Term to allow the Summer Term as a chance for the child to respond to the advice within their report.


If concerns arise at other times, parents are encouraged to contact the Class Teacher via the Homework Diary or by telephone through the School Office. Many teachers will share their email address with their pupils’ parents. The Class Teacher will contact parents in return. Teachers make contact with parents at the earliest stage if they have concerns.



Effective and rigorous assessment underpins good progress for all pupils and guarantees appropriate planning for the next stage. Children are continually assessed by their teachers.

Termly online tests such as ‘Star’ Assessment in Years 3 to 5 as well as ‘Mock’ SATs tests in Year 6 add to the information available to parents and teachers and help to build an overall picture of your child’s attainment and progress.


Parents receive information regarding their child’s progress at parent/teacher consultations as well as in the annual report, which is published in the Spring Term. We also issue a summary report at the end of the Summer term.


Teachers can be available at any time in the year should parents wish to have an update on progress. Should a child’s progress falter, then the Class Teacher would be in touch with parents at the earliest stage.
