Baden-Powell & St. Peter's CE Junior School

'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.'  Colossians 3:23


Wellbeing Updates

Latest Wellbeing Article


Newsletter – Summer 1 2024


Mental Health Awareness Week


Last week, we used Mental Health Awareness week to think about one of the five steps to wellbeing, KEEPING ACTIVE. In particular, during our whole school assembly time, we thought about and discussed all the different and interesting ways in which we enjoy moving.


Each individual child then had the opportunity to contribute to a class poster to show the diversity of how we enjoy movement from skipping to sailing; from running to roller skating; from tumbling to paddle boarding; from yoga to moon walking; and the list goes on. You can see these posters on the school website under PARENTS/WELLBEING.


Stormbreak Shine



You may be aware of an additional ‘at home’ resource to which we have access, called Stormbreak Shine. There is a program called ‘Keep Calm’ which is designed for those children who struggle with anxiety and worry. ‘Stay Strengthened’ is a new addition and is for those children who may find transition tricky – either into a new class and year group within school or to a new school altogether. If this is something of interest to you, please contact the school office in the first instance.


Over Half term


Please don’t forget to look at the forthcoming Happiness Calendar for June on the school website. This may give you some lovely wellbeing activity ideas for over the half term and keep that theme of KEEPING ACTIVE going – these can be done on the allocated day or at random. Being and out and about more (fingers crossed the sunshine continues) may also be a great opportunity to remind your child of the benefits of TAKING NOTICE of the world around them.


And finally ….


At Baden-Powell, we always dedicate the first hour back after any holiday to wellbeing so that the children can settle back into their classes before starting the new half term: both staff and pupils find this really beneficial. This time round, teachers will be teaching their classes a grounding technique which we hope they will come home and tell you about. Details of this can also be found here:


Wishing you all a sunshine-filled half term,


Heidi Inns

Senior Mental Health Lead
